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 • 12.03.01

 • Moposite
 • Psymorph
 • WR list
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 • Top 5 times
 • Totals list
 • Nilx
 • Hederhog
 • Cartman
 • Grukk
 • mrickx


Elastomania? "What the heck" is that? To get a concise comprehension of this game you should download the shareware version from our Stuff section. Click here to view some screenshots. In words I would say it's a "Hi-flyer" "Upside down" "Circuitous" "Curvaceous" "Spiral" "Ramp frenzy" "Zig-zag" "Over and under" " Precarious" "Apple harvest" "Gravity ride" and "Bumpy journey" "Enduro" of a game which will get you glued to the screen like a sticker... "He he".
    This Elma team had it's roots on the IRC network irc.insiderz.net #Sweden. Since insiderz got a huge domain offer in $$$ the network was shut down, so we lost our home. We now seek shelter on the tracks under the trees with a diet consisting of juicy apples, while striving for touching magical flowers which warp us to other dimensions. Our lives are in constant danger, we do not sleep since if we lay our heads on the ground we die.
    Below you can see the little geizer you will find roaming the record lists ;]. The team has not yet reached world class though.


<18.02.01> HÖYLÄ-TRON contest up today! All levels are possible to complete under 30 seconds, and I will make sure the future levels will be 30 sec compliant. Table #12 and tutor times updated. Do not worry about the pop ups from tripod, we will not be in this shit for long.

<07.02.01> This site will move soon so stay tuned. A bug of the kind I bet no one has seen before can be found in the Stuff section. Table #11 up, Nitro #5 up and new tutor times.

<20.01.01> New member from the Czech Republic, mrickx. Read more about him on the members section. He brings great records as can be seen on table #9. There is now a nitro total counter available so you can start sending in those incredibly cool totals. Also new nitro and tutor times.

<17.01.01> New table, new stuff for collection, improved totals and more member info.

<02.12.00> Norweigan in action! Grukk drives for BMX from today and onwards. Furthermore we got hooked up on moposite so finally some new times for Nitro and Tutor are coming in. Behold BMX Table #5 and two new levels.

<23.11.00> From now on this is the place to come for the official Nitro records! There are both single records and totals. Go get the assum patch on our stuff section.

<08.11.00> There is now a Tutor levels top 20 list hosted by us. Table #3 is up which contains two new Swedish records :). What else is new is that little logotype of a modified ElMa helmet, a special BMX Lgr, a few weird replays and elementary tips in the stuff section.

<28.10.00> This ElMa team gets a fresh new start today with a new team name and website. Our old name was the Swedish Meatballz with the abbreviation SM. After some time playing, it occured to us that there is already a team called SM; Swedish Mooses. Since we don't want to be misstaken for them we decided to change. The new name is BMX. We're an international team from now on welcoming talents from all around the world :). All of you former members from SM go see the join section.

<Older news>