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 • 12.03.01
 • Moposite
 • Psymorph
 • WR list
 • SR list
 • Top 5 times
 • Totals list
 • Nilx
 • Hederhog
 • Cartman
 • Grukk
 • mrickx


Since the previous team SM had suffered from idle weenie members, these rules of joining have been implemented:

I) On Track 1 you must have a time under 14:95 s.
On Track 2 under 17:50 s.
On Track 3 under 20:90 s.

II) You must beat at least two current 1:st place records
and three 2:nd place records

The next step is to send replays of the times and the state.dat file to Nilx@Spam.Org along with some info about yourself, such as age, country, how long you've been playing and whatever juicy bits of info. Best of luck! ;)