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 • 12.03.01
 • Moposite
 • Psymorph
 • WR list
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 • Top 5 times
 • Totals list
 • Nilx
 • Hederhog
 • Cartman
 • Grukk
 • mrickx


The three pillars the clan rests on are; thou shall höylä, thou shall save a replay of every new record as, for eg. 03Umpa, and thou shall send your new accomplishments (stats) to Nilx so the scores can be posted and up to date. Below are the total times of our team members.



 • Nilx, from Umeå in Sweden was spawned 1/1 1982. Played Across for 'fun' in early 98, then quit and did a comeback Jan. 00 to play some serious elastomania. Holds a 30th position on the total list. He uses his own BMX lgr with lowest possible eyecandy. Loves Uphill battle because it's fast, bouncy, lots of airtime and fairly easy. When tired of beating best times The Steppes old style and Apple harvest are played with joy. The idea of "hating" a level does not apply, Nilx believs that once he masters a level he will like it. ICQ 14690348

 • Hederhog, from Östersund in Sweden is a 15 year old bloke who started his elma career in early 00. ICQ 81661857

 • Cartman, from Gothenburg in Sweden has 16 years on his neck including a year of ElMa. ICQ 26272236

 • Grukk, 16 from Bodø in Norway, says he started his career in August?? :) He enjoys Sink and finds Lab pro most boring of all levels. Does not use ICQ.

 • mrickx, born 14/1 1982 and lives in Prague, Czech Republic. He started playing Across in May of 1997 and then switched to elma. In Jan. 98 he held a WR on Across Expert system. Favourite level is Downhill and strongly dislikes Fruit in the den, Curvaceous and Animal farm. ICQ 94551912